Nu o sa mai ma ofer tehnician la nimeni pana nu o sa va rezolvati problemele mintale si bataile de joaca.
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Download server(Serverfiles sinners2 tot de pe net)
Hi guys, i am looking for some people to help me with a small project, is about creating some post on a platform > i can pay for that and you can make some extra cash.
Join this Discord Server: [Hidden Content] and text me private "Uffo"
*Also server source is not compiling and with a lot of warnings.
private field 'm_dwMobVnum' is not used
private field 'm_dwVnum' is not used
char_skill.cpp:2548:64: error: non-pointer operand type 'const VID' incompatible with nullptr
Fixing this problems and trying to connect the server = "The account name or password is incorrect".
So this post it is basically useless
User no is root is " projectx "
service mysql-server stop
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
service mysql-server restart
// v523
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