Hello, i've got a bunch of system or just whole source, just dm me about your needs and we can agree on everything
Activity handler:
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Client optimization:
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Biologist system:
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Item collectioner:
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Cube manager:
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Elemental booster:
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Event manager:
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All the events can be easily settled for xyz hour and are executed by special handler.
Global rankings with titlesystem:
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Pet System:
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Research recipes:
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Novice user handler:
It handles everything what is related to start of player which is
items he get
select skill UI at 5th level
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Remote refine handler:
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Sash system:
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Item in sash can be refined anytime if already has been absorbed in sash
you can define whether you want static bonus or absorption
Alignment bonuses:
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Training skill handler:
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Dynamic version system;
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You can just push your patches live and force player to patch the client.
Version can be edited in version file and reloaded through p2p with one command
Guild renewal;
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Contact: Dinar#1998